Granite Youth Symphony Tour Log
June 30th - "Disney Day"

Find out all of the latest news on the Granite Sr. Youth Symphony West Coast Tour 2012 right here! Favorite moments, photos, videos, concert reviews, and more!

***Please note that all times are local.
After a very long day of rehearsing, playing, and attending the West Coast Youth Orchestra Festival, the Granite Youth Symphony was very eager to spend the entire following day at Disneyland and California Adventure.

Once we entered Disneyland, we went straight to Disney's Back Stage Performing Arts Studio. We played several familiar tunes in a highly professional recording studio with an engaging clinician. The orchestra was mesmerized as we watched some of television's most famous clips, listening to ourselves play the accompanying music.

With a happy combination of rides, restaurants, trees, and smiles, Disneyland and California Adventure made for an exciting and magical day. However, Disneyland isn't all fun and games, as one must remember that dancing is strictly prohibited on all rides. From New Orleans Square to Tomorrowland, from Hollywood Land to Radiator Springs, some of our most wildest dreams certainly did come true that day! Nightmares were also realized at the Twilight Zone's Hollywood Tower of Terror. After exiting the ride, I got down and hugged the ground and had to restrain myself from kissing the cold cement.

The embers of tour romance seem to be glowing brighter and brighter as the tour progresses among some of the musicians. However, others just seem to enjoy the simple pleasures of crushing other musicians' dreams of romance (a.k.a. the Grizzly Rapids Rejection for those of you who know the story).

The orchestra met at the main gates of Disneyland at midnight and traveled back to the hotel after sixteen hours of exhausting fun. There were no objections to a bed check the moment we got back to the hotel, as many of us were falling asleep on the bus ride back to hotel anyways. Thanks for reading this entry in the 2012 Granite Youth Symphony Tour Log!
