Granite Youth Symphony Tour Log
June 28th - "Beach Bum Day"

Find out all of the latest news on the Granite Sr. Youth Symphony West Coast Tour 2012 right here! Favorite moments, photos, videos, concert reviews, and more!

***Please note that all times are local.
We started off the day with a full and tasty breakfast from the hotel. Choices included french toast sticks, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, omelets, hash browns, sausage, bacon, toast, etc. Several of the orchestra musicians were still commenting on the excellent quality of their breakfast hours later.
After breakfast, we met in the lobby for instructions about our morning rehearsal. After some order was established, we all started unloading instruments from the bus bays (with the exception of percussion and piano who were marvelous at pretending to play their instruments) and set up the ball room of the hotel.

After a long and rigorous runthrough of all of our Festival repertoire, we returned to our rooms to get into our "Beach Bum" attire, loaded the bus again, and traveled to Newport Beach, where we would stay until four o' clock.

If you think that spending time at the beach is limited to just swimming, you have a lot to learn. There were tons of other great activities that were enjoyed on the beach by the musicians of the Granite Youth Symphony, including taking a stroll on the pier, taking a ferry to a small, nearby island, wandering through the town, eating lunch, body surfing, etc.

Unfortunately, one of our musicians was having a little too much fun in the ocean, and injured her back very badly. After consulting the lifeguards, it was agreed that she should be taken to a local hospital for further examination.

After the orchestra boarded the bus to leave Newport Beach, we traveled directly to the hospital where we learned that there was no serious damage. After that scare was over, we traveled directly to Medieval Times where we took several steps back in time and watched a live jousting tournament, were inspired by impressive horsemanship and falconry, and ate deliciously medieval a four-course meal fit for royalty! Now, we have the festival to look forward to tomorrow! Thanks for reading this entry!
